The Color You Should Paint Your Apartment, According to Your Zodiac

It’s time for a fresh look.

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Though the KonMari frenzy has inspired many of us to declutter our homes, a New Year calls for a complete interior refresh—not just a quick cleanse. Few interior projects are more transformative than a new coat of paint. Though it’s more involved than swapping out throw cushions or changing your room layout, introducing a new paint color can give any interior a completely new character. For the indecisive among us, we turned to astrology to discover the color palette that’s best suited to your sign.

One of the main astrological events this month is another round of Mercury retrograde. Fortunately for those of us eager to start spring-cleaning, Mercury is retrograde in the artistic sign of Pisces for most of March. Pisces is a whimsical and fluid water sign, so this period is optimal for allowing the creative eye to lead and allowing the process to unfold organically. Overthinking it is where we can get into trouble this month. So take a big step back and allow your creative intuition to lead. What would your living room look like if you revamped it with a bold hue of Orange Slice? Or even vivacious Hyacinth Violet? There’s only one way to find out.

Aries: Orange Slice by Valspar

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

You’re used to charging ahead, dear Aries, but Mercury in Pisces prefers no particular path at all. With your ruling planet, Mars, moving through methodical and sensual Taurus, the stars invite you to even your keel and smell the roses. And if you don’t, speedy one, then heed the hoodwink of the celestial trickster, Mercury. If your GPS is repeatedly sending you through loops and mazes of potholes, try to resist banging your fists on the steering wheel; you’re supposed to be admiring the scenery instead. Keep your spirits high the remainder of the dreary season with Orange Slice by Valspar. Energizing, and uplifting, this paint color can be enjoyed year-round, so go bold, celestial ram, and imbibe an entire room with this compelling color. Follow through with accents of dark orange and scarlet or get playful with teal.

Taurus: Standing Ovation by Behr

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

While everyone else is slowing their pace, you, dear Taurus, are picking up speed this month. Mars, the cosmic propeller, travels through your own sign, lending you a dose of fierceness. This month is ideal for putting your best foot forward as you courageously step up to the plate. If it doesn’t excite you, you won’t do it, Taurus. But this month, a lot of things are snagging your attention and you want to do it all. Your momentum gathers like a snowball and you are unstoppable this month. That is, until you double-book yourself. You bought tickets to a show months ago only to discover it’s the same night as an important company event. How do you recover from this? You’ll figure it out. But in the meantime, buy a bucket (or three) of Standing Ovation by Behr and go to town! This color is quite the chameleon—delicate, pure, and simple but also elegant—perfect for someone as glamorously down to earth as you. Go for the entire bedroom or living room and follow up with cotton grey and pecan tones.

Gemini: Cavern Clay by Sherwin Williams

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Gemini, you can usually smooth-talk your way through anything, but this month, your usual charm seems to have lost its charge, and it might even get you into trouble this month when someone at work misunderstands your double entendre or you accidentally send something inappropriate to your boss. Awkward. Mercury retrogrades in the area of career for you Gemini, so a word of warning: Double-check everything. It’s worth going to extra lengths to clarify yourself now so to avoid confusion later. (Autocorrect can be so cruel sometimes.) You can expect to spend more time than usual on a professional project to meet expectations, which can be super annoying, but it will all work out in the end. You might even reconsider your overall career strategy, so start by adopting a paint color that makes you feel like a boss. Go with Cavern Clay. This smooth terra-cotta tone would be an excellent addition to your office. Air signs are constantly being blown around by new ideas, so warm, earthy tones (like this one) are beneficial for focus and grounding. Accent with clove and citrus tones.

Cancer: Blueprint by Behr

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Admittedly, February was an intense month for you, Cancer. You may have made huge career strides, but all the while, a certain relationship (romantic or platonic) has been riding on choppy waters. Both sensitive and strong, you may have had to choose one over the other. But March is here now, and you’re better for it. You’re finally able to catch your breath as life returns to a steadier pace. And by now, you realize how badly you need a vacation. Mercury is retrograde in your 9th house of travel and calling you to expand your horizons, however, this is not the time to book flights impulsively. The rule of thumb with Mercury in retrograde is to wait it out if you can. Spend March getting excited about the logistics and book your getaway in April when the coast is clear (and your taxes are final). In the meantime, bring the ocean to you with Blueprint, by Behr. Moody Cancers everywhere will vibe with this deep blue-gray that’s both bold and rejuvenating. Blueprint is Behr’s color of the year, and Cancer, this is your year. Let Blueprint remind you that you’re the architect of your life.  

Leo: Hyacinth Violet by Pantone

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Dear Leo, we hope you’ve completed your taxes already. If not, well, you might expect a surprise or two, as Mercury pantomimes through your 8th house of where your money is shared or owed. Your cosmic advice is simple: Double-check everything. But hey, surprises can be good. You might get an unexpected check in the mail from something you totally forgot about. Or if you overpaid taxes last year, you might be in for a generous refund. Here’s one way you can spend it: Paint something Hyacinth Violet. A little goes a long way with this stunning shade. Yes, Leo, you’re sure to turn heads with this color. Maximalists will enjoy pairing it with citrus, golden, and pink tones, while modest Leos will enjoy a splash of Hyacinth Violet to spark contrast with softer blue and peach tones. Detail an ornate table, or if you are feeling extra vivacious, go ahead and create a ferociously fancy accent wall.

Virgo: Amber Autumn by Behr

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Methodical and careful Virgo, you prefer order in your life, but this month, everyone seems to be sending you mixed signals, and between cryptic emojis and autocorrect, you have no idea what that means. With Mercury retrograde in your 7th house of relationships, double-check the details of plans as they are being made and be especially clear in communication. And when your partner doesn’t get the text to pick up olive oil on their way home, just go with it. That said, the benefit of Mercury’s extended stay in your relationship sector is increased emphasis on communication and language, which is a vital organ of any relationship. While relationships get revamped, your detailed eye leads you to a certain room in your home desperately in need of a cheerful face-lift. Nothing says “rise and shine” like hues of citrus in the bedroom or kitchen—rooms where most people start their days. Accent Amber Autumn with soothing blues, espresso or steel gray.

Libra: Baby Blush by Valspar

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Charming Libra, you excel at maintaining composure even when the pressure is on. This month, it’s the minor annoyances you’ll need to brace yourself for like scheduling snafus, getting double charged, double-booking, or things breaking in the workplace. All you need to do is leave space in your schedule to allow for errors (and correcting them) so you can freely go with the flow. This is also an excellent time to integrate more creativity and self-care into your regular routine. One way you can get creative is by revamping your space with Baby Blush. This soft peachy-pink hue will look perfect in any room of the house, but especially where there are mirrors, so freshen up the powder room or accent the wall behind your full-length mirror. Complement this cheerful tone with coral, rose, brick red, or even Aries’s Orange Slice. Another way you can bring peachy pinks into your world? Fresh flowers.

Scorpio: Hunter Green by Benjamin Moore

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

When things don’t go as planned this month, stalwart Scorpio, just go with it. Mercury is retrograde in the sector of your chart governing romance, lightheartedness, and play. Letting go and enjoying is truthfully a challenge at times for intense and tenacious Scorpio—especially when expectations are thwarted—but when it comes to letting loose, try to let it fly. Mercury’s extended stay in abstract Pisces invites you to bring more playfulness and creativity into your life, but especially your love life. Scorpions have a tough outer shell, but they can be softened up this month if they’re open. March is optimal for writing moody poetry, watching romantic dramedies, and reconnecting with pleasures you’ve lost touch with. It’s all about the feels this month, Scorpio, so go with it and revamp a room with Hunter Green. An evolution from the already trendy emerald green, this moody hue will look stunning behind your fireplace or in the bedroom. Pair with golds or almost-black charcoals for the melodrama that you crave.

Sagittarius: Fired Brick by Sherwin-Williams

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

You’re rockin’ and rollin’ this month, fiery Centaurians. With Mars plowing through your 6th house, you can finally tend to all those tiny piles around the house and unfinished projects that have been put off for later. Now is an excellent time to wrap up and catch up. But not so fast. A few fireballs are expected to fly. With Mercury creating significant friction in your chart this month, vivacious and outspoken Sagittarians may wish to heed the seldom-used verbal filter this month. You don’t want to speak too soon, or worse, overpromise and underdeliver. Not to worry, though. You always seem to make a smooth recovery. Also fortunate for you? Mercury in Pisces occupies your home and family sector, inviting you to rethink the aesthetic of your home. With Mercury’s extended stay here, it’s possible you’re considering more than just a paint job—perhaps a remodel or even moving altogether. But for now, you’ll appreciate Fired Brick, a color as lively and fiery as you. Warm up any room with a fierce splash of this earthy red and go subtle with the legs of a table or daring with cabinetry.

Capricorn: Anchors Aweigh by Sherwin-Williams

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Capricorn, you run a tight ship. And we can’t blame you. You aim to get your work done in the most efficient manner so that you can GTFO and make it to your spinning class or happy hour in time (depending on the day of the week, of course). But this month, you’ll aim to keep your cool as communication snafus threaten your timely departure or road closures have you strolling into class late. With Mercury retrograde in your cosmic domain of communication, you want to be especially mindful with autocorrect misfires (for duck’s sake) and technological malfunction. Be sure to back up important files and upload the important photos to the cloud. And for those times when you need a little extra convincing to keep your cool this month, go with a not-quite-black navy blue, like Anchors Aweigh. Truthfully, Capricorns will adore these intense melodramatic hues at all times of the year, which add the perfect dimension to soft gray and light cream colors.  

Aquarius: Martinique Dawn by Valspar

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Cool and calculated, Aquarius, err on the cautious side when it comes to unnecessary purchases this month. No, we aren’t talking about regular things like groceries, but if it’s not necessary, don’t buy it. With Mercury retrograde in your sector of belongings, you want to make sure you don’t impulsively overspend on something that isn’t checking all the boxes. Buying secondhand? Sure, go ahead. The rule of thumb with Mercury retrograde is that if it can wait, then wait. (The coast is clear in April.) On a much deeper level, March invites you to rethink your stack of values. What’s most important? Well, one thing you’d love to do this month is spruce up your living space. So maybe start small with a sample bucket of Martinique Dawn. It’s described as an “optimistic green,” which sounds as intriguing as avocado toast (a trend that we are still into, btw) or a matcha tea latte. Place this inviting color in an entryway, or even paint the door itself! An air sign like you will especially appreciate this gust of fresh spring green breezing into your space.

Pisces: Reflecting Pool by Sherwin-Williams

Imagery by Aaron Bengochea

Dreamy Pisces, March will be the month when it seems the world finally matches up to your whimsical pace. With Mercury retrograde through your own sign, chances are that you’ll be feeling this transit the most, and yet, you might not notice anything weird at all. You love getting lost on purpose, often lose track of time and have a signature way of recounting stories (you’re the star of your own cult-sub-genre movie). Let your vivid imagination run wild this month. It’s not every day that the whole world is willing to meet you on your level. Infinitely creative, you’re also a sensitive soul whose home is an expertly cultivated magical oasis of your own volition. Enigmatic Pisces will swoon over Reflecting Pool, a bold jewel-toned teal, undoubtedly holding all our gazes. Mystical Pisces will be captivated by this color, which sets the scene for soulful reflection and getting lost in thought. Reflecting pool would look stunning in the bedroom, accented with peachy-pink blushes or golden or citrus tones.

Catherine Urban is an astrologer, writer, and all-around cosmic-consultant who is currently enamored with Reflecting Pool and Baby Blush. Find out more about March’s astrological forecast (and how to survive Mercury retrograde) by following along @AstroCatherine on Instagram and Twitter.

See more on paint colors: 

The 18 Most Popular Paint Colors of All Time

The 15 Best Bedroom Colors for an Instant Burst of Personality

How to Decorate with the 2019 Colors of the Year