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Once upon a time, moving in with your S.O. meant that you reached a major relationship milestone—a level of commitment where you’re ready to share everything, including your home. For Gen Z, however, there’s a more logical factor driving their desire to get closer: saving money. According to a recent report by Realtor.com, over two-thirds of people who moved in with their romantic partner say finances was a main motivation in their decision, including 80 percent of Gen Z respondents. (Psst: That’s 4 percentage points more than millennials.)
While it’s often not advised to move in together only to save money, this budget-conscious generation (they have proven to be conservative with their renovation spending, too) might have the right idea. Even with a cooling market, rent and mortgages are still historically high, meaning living alone can negatively impact your wallet no matter how old you are. A recent report from Zillow shed heartbreaking light on the “singles tax” concept, revealing the price of residing solo in a one-bedroom apartment could cost anywhere from $4,300 to $19,500 more a year than if you paired up.
Suddenly itching to have the “let’s move in together” talk? First off, consider drawing up a contract that outlines who gets what (and who moves out) if things ever go south. Then make sure storage and style are a part of that conversation, too. Artist Sarah Burns discovered a new set of needs when her boyfriend moved into her place. Mainly “much more food,” she jokes, but in reality that meant crafting two freestanding wood units to house extra pantry items and pans. When it comes to styling a newlyweds’ first home, designer Andrea Jaramillo says to keep the main pieces neutral and add doses of your personalities through accessories and artwork. And for a minimalist and maximalist trying to meet in the middle, take a page out of Tenlie Mourning’s book and go bold with just one shade. Any healthy relationship requires compromise—even with paint.