13 things to do when your wifi is out at the office

because sometimes the internet is #interNOT

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Spotty internet coverage at work is the WORST. But don’t let temperamental wifi slow you down. A little bit of time offline allows you to take a break from your daily grind, catch some fresh air, or bond with colleagues! Trust us, there are plenty of tasks you can tackle even when the office is #unplugged.

grab treats for the team

When everyone’s cranky about the internet (or lack thereof), run out and snag a few treats for your office. Donuts, cupcakes or cookies are sure to make even the grumpiest colleague smile.

clean your laptop and keyboard

Let’s be honest. Your desk, computer and keyboard are basically a breeding ground for germs. Take a few minutes to dust and wipe down your workspace–especially with the winter months and flu season approaching!

take a coffee break

Use those few minutes without internet to grab your daily caffeine fix. By the time you’ve made it back to your desk, you’ll have a coffee in hand and (hopefully) a wifi connection restored.

play with the neighboring startup’s pooch

Take a trip down the hall to a neighboring office. There’s always that one person in the building who dubs everyday “Bring Your Dog To Work Day.”

stop and breathe

Take a few moments to meditate. A clear, focused mind is the greatest way to power through a long workday. Team meditation, anyone?

take a stroll (and window shop, too!)

Stretch your legs outside of the office. Window shopping counts as cardio, right?

catch up on thank you’s

Handwritten notes are something we always push to the bottom of our to-do’s. When the wifi’s down, catch up on all those thank you notes you’ve been meaning to write to clients or business partners.

organize your space

We get it–when things are crazy at the office, your desk is a big ‘ole mess. Tidy up your office supplies and desk drawers so your messy cubicle doesn’t stress you out anymore.

take it outside

Grab a few coworkers and take your lunch to the park! A quick picnic is a great way to catch up with your work wife during a busy week.

water the plant (because we KNOW you’ll forget)

We love having fresh greenery around the office, but admittedly, we often forget to water everything! Use your quick break to check on all the office plants. Team domino’s very own “Gerard the Palm” could always use a little more lovin’.

scout the neighborhood

Take a quick trip around the ‘hood to scout out new lunch… or happy hour… spots! Even if the search turns up nothing more than the old standby salad bar, a good leg-stretching is always welcome.

get crafty

If your internet connection is constantly going in and out, keep a craft at your desk. Needlepoint and cross stitch are totally a thing again.

schedule a one-on-one

Instead of corresponding through email, sit down for a one-on-one with a team member. It’s often more productive to unplug and meet face to face.