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As a newlywed, daydreams of what my someday family are officially here to stay. While little ones are not on the immediate horizon for me and my wife, we, of course, indulge in inventing future children. What their names might be, whom they might look or act like, and, of course, what spaces we might make for them. 

Regardless of the endeavors our future curly-headed kids gravitate toward (programming robots to speak Mandarin?), as an artistically wired couple, developing a unique space for them to explore their creativity is a must. Whether it’s a special room in a house or a dedicated corner of a New York City apartment, give your budding artist a studio space they deserve with these inspiration-boosting finds (just remember the carpet and wall cleaner).

Get On Their Level

Set the stage for self-expression with a vibrant rug that will amp up creative energy while cushioning young hands and feet with natural materials like wool and (washable!) cotton.

Get Crafty

From a chic multipurpose easel to a bentwood table and chair set that might be sleeker than your grown-up version, equip your little maker with supplies they’ll need for their next multimedia masterpiece.

Take Your Seat

Make space for everything from focused watercoloring to ukulele-lounging to napping with a mix of kid-size seating. Our current crush? A whimsical speckled strawberry seat made from recycled kids toys because it’s never too early to teach the love of the environment (and chairs).

See What’s in Store

At the end of any free-flowing creative session, those paintbrushes, Lego bricks, robotics parts, and scraps of fabric need to find a home until next time. Go for a mix of storage types so you’re prepared for whatever your inventive tot comes up with. Here’s to the makers of tomorrow—and the parents who clean up after them.

Little tykes, big design: So Your Kid Wants Their Bedroom to Resemble a Spaceship 15 Convincing Reasons to Buy Home Goods From the Kids’ Department The 10 Best Unexpected Nurseries on Pinterest