spicing up the living room

A simple guide to refreshing your decor.

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If you are looking to refresh your living room but lack some ideas, you might find this article useful because we are going to talk about simple and cheap, yet extremely effective tips and tricks that can greatly improve the appearance of your living space. Probably the best thing about renovating a room is that it can be done very easily, on the contrary to what many people think.


The first thing you ought to do before you start redesigning your living room is to choose the style which fits both your personality and the space you have. It is highly important that you define to a detail your preferences, because if you do not do so, your room might end up looking like a huge mess even if everything is on the spot. You must understand that your living space truly breathes the life into your whole house and that it always represents a certain mood, which you and the people visiting you will surely feel.

As soon as your guests steps over the doormat they will, at least subconsciously, get some sensation, so make sure they feel pleasant. If you manage to make your place convey a mood that would overwhelm everyone, make it obvious and go for some catchy details, such as exotic colors that would express your free spirit or some wall paintings of a beach, which would have a relaxing effect.

owned items

It is highly likely that you already own many items, which can be repurposed, meaning that you do not have to spend any money in order to freshen up your living room. For instance, you can paint some walls and they will instantly look much better. You can also completely change their purpose. A wall rack can be used for jewelry, not only for heavy coats and a simple mug can be used as a pencil holder, so always think outside the box. This way your living space will look livelier and shinier.

The dimensions of your room could present a bigger problem. However, it can be dealt with easily, too. Try getting a cool mirror, it will be a great addition in general, but not only because it has an aesthetic value; it will also create an illusion of a larger space, so the bigger the mirror, the bigger your room will look. If you have a need for more free space, and your big TV is blocking the area, a good idea would be to try TV wall mounting. You will get extra free space in no time without breaking a sweat.  Should you need more space, there are many ways to make some, just think hard and you will be surprised. Remember the fact that small items can make a great change; let your imagination go wild and make use of all of them.

must-have items

There are some items that many people do not own and they simply do not see their value, but they are a must-have for everyone who wants their living space to look refreshed. Take interesting rugs for an example: they can totally change the appearance of a room, even if they seem insignificant. Whether it is a small or a big rug, it can make a huge difference. Make sure you choose the right one and be careful when it comes to the shape, size, textures, colors and style, since it should match the environment if you want it to be effective. Pillows are a great investment, as well. They provide an amazing visual variety, so get as many of them and pick those that suit you and your style best. Another essential thing when it comes to your living space is the lighting.

There are many creative solutions, so don’t go for generic stuff and don’t try to save too much money when buying lamps since they can really open up the space and draw everyone’s attention. As you can see, redesigning your living room is nothing to be afraid of, so roll up your sleeves and start doing it as soon as possible; the feeling you will get when you are done with it is indescribable, your place will look so much better and your guests will have some benefits from it, too.