how to cope with a doorless closet

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Whether you’re a

tiny apartment

dweller with a barely-there closet, or your shoe collection has taken up most of the floor space (we don’t judge)—you’re not alone. Organizing your closet AND making it look good are two very different things. Today we’ve rounded up eight ways to give your closet a little refresher…when doors aren’t around.

  1. think outside the box, er… closet! If your ~doorless~ closet has more things in it than you know what to do with, start thinking creatively about where to showcase your favorite items. Start by hanging your favorite bags on hooks or via coatrack, or by putting all of your hats on display. Whoever said wall art had to be framed didn’t understand hats. And lots of them at that.
  1. color coordinate Hang clothing by style and then arrange the styles by color. Having a set of matching hangers helps too, but if that’s not your thing, be sure to keep things tidy and clean. Swap out coats you’re sure to never wear again for the one you won’t stop wearing and fold sweaters gently on an open shelf in the closet—they’re going to be on display afterall!
  1. bring in the light Remember those closets in your nana’s place that had pull chains in them? Why not find a lesson there? Head to your local department store and install a simple, battery powered light in the corner of your closet. That way, when you arrive home after work (or wake up before the sun) you can sift through your clothes without having to turn on a jarring overhead light.
  1. turn it into a ‘cloffice’ No, we’re not referring to some hybrid form of a Karlie Kloss meme (klossified, anyone?). We’re talking about deliberately turning your closet into a mini office. AKA: cloffice. You know, where your desktop, notepad, and all your wildest dreams live. Then when you’re wondering where to place your clothes, opt for an exposed closet instead.
  1. make a shelfie Who said a ‘shelfie’ has to be narrowed down to a perfectly styled shot of all your favorite trinkets? Get creative and organize your closet’s belongings by shelf. Organization is worth showing off, too. Your place will boast of clean, modern minimalism.
  1. keep it minimal If you’re truly convinced you do indeed have the smallest closet in entire world, we have one bit of advice for you—switch out your clothing with the seasons. Because 1) who wants to stare at a collection of shorts when it’s 12 degrees outside (that’s just depressing), and 2) you’ll spare yourself the headache of sifting through copious amounts of clothes every morning. No more squished clothing with bent hangers vying for space in your (doorless) closet.
  1. cover it up We know, we know… probably the oldest trick in the book, but curtains on a doorless closet work wonders for your space and your sanity. Be sure to keep things clean and organized, though. The last thing you’d want is a whimsical, white curtain as a closet cover-up, only to find a mess of clothes, mismatched shoes, and disorganized belongings behind it.