This New Invention Is the Ultimate Hack for Tiny Kitchens

Someone designed a countertop dishwasher, and we need it ASAP.


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File this under things we need immediately: a tiny

countertop dishwasher

that uses just half a gallon of water and gets the job done in 10 minutes. Created by Heatworks in conjunction with Frog, a Brooklyn-based industrial design studio, Tetra, as the dishwasher is called, is seriously a work of genius that could be a total game changer for small apartments or people living alone.

With a clear box-shaped lid that sits on a sliver base, Tetra would fit right in with the Jetsons’ decor. It takes up about as much space as a toaster oven (which, okay, still might not be practical for a tiny New York kitchen with a sliver of counter space), and it fits two full place settings, or roughly 10 plates or 12 pint glasses. You add the water to the machine, so it only requires an electrical outlet—no plumbing necessary.

“Our research indicates that although the average household is comprised of 2.58 people, the modern dishwasher holds place settings for 13 or more,” said Jerry Callahan, CEO and founder of Heatworks. “This makes people believe that they either need to handwash their few dirty dishes—which wastes 10 times more water than using a dishwasher—or wait for a fill load to run a cycle. With Tetra, we hope to change people’s mindset.”

So how does it work? The machine is powered by Heatworks’ patented Ohmic Array Technology. We’ll let the experts explain:

“It does not use traditional metal heating elements that can rust and scale over time. Instead, through graphite electrodes and advanced electronic controls, the naturally occurring minerals in water are excited, directly and efficiently heating the water. This allows for a more precise temperature control temperature—you can easily sanitize baby products, wash plastic storage containers without melting, cook seafood, clean fruit, or run a load of wine glasses on a gentler cycle.”

Yes, that’s right. You can even use Tetra to cook.

Tetra was revealed last week at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, and it was an instant crowdpleaser. We will, however, have to wait a little while before we can bring one home. Tetra won’t be available to purchase until the end of 2018, and it will cost $299, which, frankly, seems like a totally reasonable price to pay to never do the dishes ever again.

H/T Fast Company

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