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Last week, we shared with you our first recipe from Kings County Imperial, delightful dumplings which we hope you’ve had a chance to make. This week, the team is back with another recipe to commit to memory. Read on to learn more about Kings County Imperial’s craveable spring rolls!

WHAT IS A COMMON MISTAKE HOME COOKS MAKE WHEN PREPARING TRADITIONAL CHINESE FOOD? Not using enough heat to get a quick sear on vegetables and protein! Some are afraid of a super-high heat on the stovetop, but it’s important.

DO YOU FIND YOURSELF MAKING THESE AT HOME? Yes! The spring rolls are easy to make, and many variations in the filling work well, so they’re a fun and simple meal to whip up with whatever you have on hand. Plus, we find that these are a crowd-pleasing meal. They work for most people with dietary restrictions and kids also love them.

WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH HOME COOKS KNEW ABOUT CHINESE COOKING? How delicate and unadorned it can be. There’s just no need for heavy, thick sauces when you’re working with fresh ingredients, good quality soy, sesame, and aromatics.
HOW COULD OUR READERS VARY THIS RECIPE WITH A DIFFERENT PROTEIN, ETC? They could use ground pork and cabbage, or strictly veggies. These are really versatile.