31 ways we’re still using feng shui

here's how you bring more balance to your life.
Anna Kocharian Avatar

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The concept of feng shui is a simple one. Based on the Chinese philosophical system of organization, its focus is derived from an alignment of one’s self with the space in which they live as well as the objects that surround them. By utilizing feng shui, you can learn to harness the energy of all that surround you to create a more positive space that encourages love, happiness, and prosperity. While feng shui as a trend certainly had its day in the sun, we think the benefits of approaching your decor in this way are truly lasting.


There are eight cardinal directions that make up bagua, which is essentially an energy map determined by eight interrelated principles typically identified as: career, spiritual life, creativity, love, reputation, prosperity, health, and knowledge, respectively. Or, the eight major aspects of one’s life. Each principle holds a unique location within a room, beginning with ‘career’ situated by the entry point of the room and ending with ‘knowledge’.



… keep the entry point of the room well-lit! This principle is associated with a water sign and linked to the color blue.



… think metals and outfit the area with a round, framed mirror or a work of art.



… think of this as your “happiness” spot. Personal objects, especially those that hold a sentimental value are key.


love and relationships

… think double! Bring in pairs of furniture pieces such as armchairs, side stools, or opt for one love seat.

Decorative items such as lamps or wall art work as well for balancing love! Keep the area lighthearted and stick to a palette of earthy tones.



… consider this the best spot for displaying the accolades you’ve collected throughout the years. Good luck charms are highly encouraged.



…  think green. Literally! Bring in plants or any sort of lively, natural element. This is where your affinity (or mild obsession) for fresh flowers finally pays off!

Keep the clutter to a minimum. What better excuse for

spring cleaning

? Ditch the unnecessary and create space for something new.

Prosperity is channeled through shades of purple, green, and gold. Sneak in small accent pieces (or go big with an accent wall!) featuring one of these shades.



… keeping this area free of clutter is key. The element linked to health is wood, so try and incorporate this earthy material into your decor in any form that best fits your style!



… establish an area that promotes learning and growth. Consider it another reason to turn that awkward corner into a reading nook.

Decorating Your Space

Arrange the furniture in your living room to promote an open and free-flowing space, especially one that encourages a conversational setup. This means, in a space that contains a sofa and armchairs, the armchairs should be facing the sofa.

A round or oval coffee table can instill a more fluid essence within a space, while the rectangular or square variety may promote a feeling of discontinuity.

That being said, a mix of various shapes paints a more complete picture, establishing a wholesome effect to the room.

Establish a clear focal point in the living room – whether it be the TV, window, or a work of art on the walls – and plan the positions of the remaining furnishings accordingly.

Bring in a cozy floor piece to create a defining zone for the main components of the room such as the sofa and the coffee table.

Unpleasant views out the window? Consider a decorative piece, such as a curtain or blinds, to create a delicate barrier between your living room and the outside.

Much like one would not like the idea of “overlooking” a particular aspect of their life, decorating a living room should hold a similar view. Be sure to give every square inch of the living room the thought and attention it deserves!

Balance is key. Avoid heavily saturating one area of the living room with furnishings or decor. Try to stick to a cohesive decor flow.

Mirrors not only help instill a visually-enhanced feeling of depth, they also help “bounce around” positive energy.

Incorporate some sort of an element that pays an ode to water, to promote relaxation.

Store smart. Magazines piled up high on the coffee table? A sofa buried under throws and pillows? Find a storage solution that works for you and manages to seamlessly blend in with your decor. A chic basket or a bookcase will do the trick!

Opt for a neutral wall paint with pops of color scattered throughout the decor.

Decorating For The Things You Want

Decorating for


… get rid of the negative. Opt for pleasant accents that are happy and positive.

Decorating for more


… use red! Albeit it’s a rather aggressive tone, this powerful shade can ignite the spirit from within.

Decorating for


… create a laid-back environment by bringing in cool blue tones into the space. It’s commonly known that this shade has a soothing effect, which can support a relaxed vibe.

Decorating for

change from within

… decorate with green! This revitalizing shade is known to motivate.

Decorating for

positive energy

… yellow is key! This spirited hue is known for its cheeriness and ability to evoke a brightening element.

Decorating for


… bring in the white. Psst, here’s your excuse to finally go for the whitewashed space!

Remember, it’s important create a space that feels right for you and channels your personal style. There is no right and wrong in designing your home!

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Anna Kocharian


Anna has a penchant for travel, fresh flowers, and books. You can usually find her on some sort of culinary adventure, seeking the best burgers or waffles in the city.
