The Face Oil Credo Can Barely Keep In Stock

It’s from a very unlikely ingredient.

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All it takes is a few dips in the temperature and the sporadic smattering of snow, and suddenly, skin becomes less than cooperative. Dry, itchy, flaky, dull—winter can really add injury to insult. It’s time to make swaps in your daily routine for products that work harder, such as face oil. Face oils use to get a bad rap: haters would claim they encourage acne and brought on more oil production for the oil-prone. But in this modern day, there is an oil for everyone—hydrating blends for those that need moisture, balancing for combination skin, and even clarifying for the acne-prone.  

If you’re a face oil first-timer, the experts at clean-beauty retailer Credo recommend one hero buy: Le Prunier Plum Face Oil ($72), the website’s best-selling elixir.

In the short amount of time the quick-absorbing, glow-inducing product has been available at Credo, it’s already become their top-selling oil. They won’t divulge the exact sales numbers, but they’ve watched it quickly become a near cult-status product in just a handful of months. So much so, that it’s one of the most reviewed products on the site, with a steady basis of praise from nearly every single reviewer. Pretty impressive for a brand that creates one thing only—plum oil.

As the French name might imply, Le Prunier is all about the power of plums. The three sisters were raised on a sustainable, organic plum farm, and they began to explore the alternative uses for overlooked byproducts of the fruit. After years of lab testing, they discovered the potent, powerful, deliciously-scented plum oil.

It turns out that plums are super diverse and multi-purpose. Plum oil is chalked full of antioxidants, omega fatty acids, and polyphenols to fight accelerated skin aging. They’re also rich in Vitamin A and E, which are super healers and hydrators—thus, why the oil will be so handy come wintertime. Speaking of winter skin woes, the oil is proven to calm sensitive skin, while also brightening it. One Credo user even said, “I have rosacea and very sensitive skin. This oil has had a great impact calming the redness and the irritation and it makes my skin glow. It’s my favorite step in my night routine!” (Praise be to our red, dull winter skin.) It also just so happens to absorb quickly and weightlessly when patted into damp skin—always damp, it absorbs better.

The ingredient list is pretty short, too: just plums, that’s it. Plus, it smells like marzipan, Christmas cookies, and heaven all in one little bottle. The scent is perhaps the most delightful aspect to the oil—but don’t tell the hydrating vitamins and omegas we said that. An oil that smells like cookies, saves our dry skin, and is made in an ethical way? Consider it a Christmas miracle.

Kristin Limoges


Kristin can usually be found face, hair, and body masking simultaneously, while thinking-up clever DIYs for her small-space Chinatown apartment. She’s always on the search for the greatest and most life-changing beauty and wellness hacks (hello nootropics and adaptogens) and is happy to report she loves dogs and cats equally.
