Anna Kocharian

Anna Kocharian

Digital Editor

Anna has a penchant for travel, fresh flowers, and books. You can usually find her on some sort of culinary adventure, seeking the best burgers or waffles in the city.

Get the Latest From Anna Kocharian (Page 110 Results)

50 holiday recipes you won’t regret in January

50 holiday recipes you won’t regret in January

don't let holiday cheer ruin a healthy start to 2016.

how a long-distance relationship became an art project

how a long-distance relationship became an art project

A couple turns a unique situation into a must-see Instagram project!

the no-bake thanksgiving pie you have to try

the no-bake thanksgiving pie you have to try

A delicious salted caramel, pecan, and sweet potato pie!

The RIGHT Way to Organize Your Home Office

The RIGHT Way to Organize Your Home Office

An expert shares the best ways to care for that office clutter.

diy geometric coasters

diy geometric coasters

a must-see diy for the entertainer.

Pink and White Office

7 Colorful Ways to Hack Ikea’s Lack Shelves

These aren't your standard bookshelves.

5 creative ways to wrap gifts (when you’re bad at bows)

5 creative ways to wrap gifts (when you’re bad at bows)

Clever DIY gift wrapping ideas you won't want to miss.