What Weekends Look Like for Tyler Haney, the Founder of Outdoor Voices

Spoiler alert: #DoingThings is definitely on her to-do list.


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It’s no secret we know—and love—Outdoor Voices’s workout apparel just as much as the interiors of their shops and their philosophy that working out doesn’t necessarily have to mean logging long hours at the gym. (Check out the hashtag #DoingThings for evidence!) So naturally, we’re extremely interested in hearing how Tyler Haney, the founder of the cool-girl apparel empire, spends her free time each weekend. Here’s a peek into how she stays relaxed while splitting her time between NYC and Austin and fitting in some physical activity, of course.

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

I drink a cold glass of water and take a few supplements. I’m obsessed with Ray Kurzweil and cell regeneration so I take Lypo-Spheric Phosphotidyl Choline, along with Vitamin B to keep things working at their highest function. Energizer Bunny vibes.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends?

Recreation, baby! I’m all about moving my body for my mind, and feel best when I get in some activity. My favorite recreational activity is dog walking—minus the poop.

What are the activities or errands you aim to accomplish every weekend?

Frequent flier miles? I split my time between Austin and New York and try to time it so I’m in Austin for most weekends. My boyfriend and our two pups are there, so we usually end up meeting up with friends for dinner or spending time on Lake Austin.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead?

If I’m in New York, I’ll usually go to a 7 p.m. yoga class at Sky Ting that my pals Krissy and Chloe (yoga angels) teach together. I recently read the book One Thing (a lucky airport grab) and it’s become my religion. It directs you to laser focus on the highest leverage thing possible at any given time: ”What’s the ONE thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?” Great prep for the week.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend?

No luggage. I keep the essentials in both places. A friction-free airport experience is a dream.

Alyssa Clough


Alyssa is a Brooklyn-based maximalist and vintage addict who is always on the hunt for something—a new piece of collage art, more plant babies, yet another ceramic vessel, you get the picture. Obsessions include bold accent walls, living a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle, and supporting female artists and makers. Find her on Instagram ignoring her phone’s screen time alerts.