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Adjust your feng shui and rearrange the furniture in one room of your apartment. Do them all if you’re feeling especially stir crazy.

Throw a party and make all your friends come to you. Selfish, but effective.

Have your very own movie marathon—with at least an 8 hour minimum and mandatory popcorn.

Take a trip down memory lane and build a blanket fort. (It’s okay to include the TV).

Cook a dish that is totally not in season. Think fish tacos with Mexican beer, margs, and limes, obviously.

Meditate in the comfiest room in your house (this app is great for beginners!).

Invite your friend who has the cutest dog (or cat?) to come over and play.

Clean out your closet—once and for all!

Read that book that’s been collecting dust on your nightstand for a few months.

Play celebrity (with friends or your roomie)! Not familiar? It’s like charades, but you’re only guessing famous people names.

Give yourself a mani/pedi, complete with nail art and a self-given (and deserved) hand massage.

Spring clean, even though it’s winter. So really, just a deep clean (yes, that includes dusting–everything).

Do a 7 minute New York Times workout, or really any workout for that matter.

Turn your living room into a temporary yoga studio. Decorate with candles, incense, calming music, and enjoy your new serene space.

Take a bubble bath, obviously.

Order a whole pizza for yourself, just because.

Have a roomie night that consists of Netflix and some delicious homemade mulled wine.

Plant an indoor herb garden. It’ll add a bit of green to your space and be good for cooking.

DIY any craft you already have all the materials to make.

Have a solo dance party to some #TBT mixtapes, CDs, or playlists. Did someone say Backstreet’s back?

Stage your own selfie-based photoshoot.

Run up and down the stairs in your apartment building. It will be a good workout and you might meet some new neighbors!

Build a snowman on your roof. It’s the perfect winter wonderland escape without even leaving your building.

De-stress and deep clean who you follow on social media, aka defriend “friends” on Facebook and unfollow strangers or people you no longer enjoy hearing from on other platforms.

Rearrange your
it will be like a puzzle! And create a totally new vibe for your room.

Facetime your mom.

Make breakfast for dinner. The answer is always waffles.

Troll Internet trolls with positive comments! Reading ridiculous comments will make you laugh AND adding positive ones will make you feel good.

Catch up on viral videos—including, but not limited to, all of Beyonce’s music videos (and Super Bowl halftime show) from years past.

Start and finish an adult coloring book.

Create an inspiration board. Tear things out of magazines, print out old photos, and go crazy!

Do we even have to say it? Start binge watching an old, cult classic, multi-season TV show.

Open your window, feel the breeze of fresh air, and maybe yell something down to the people who have chosen to leave their homes.

Do your most dreaded chore. If you’re antsy enough, you’ll just be happy to be doing something!

Try on all of your favorite summer outfits and mentally transport yourself to the tropics.