New Box Subscription Aims to Take the Stigma Away From Self-Help

A new service wants to you to live your best life.


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The need for self-care is more important than ever these days. Whether it’s anxiety over the current political climate or stress from the pressure to have an Instagram-perfect life, there are an endless amount of stressors that can be detrimental to our mental well-being. Yet with obligations from work, home, friends, and family, self-help can seem indulgent, often falling to the bottom of our list of priorities.

Sharon Podobnik knows the feeling. After years of working in a high-pressure job, she found herself carrying that extreme stress and anxiety into her personal life—a dilemma that’s all too relatable. Upon quitting this job and losing access to her healthcare and regular therapy sessions, Podobnik sought ways to lift herself up.

“I found self-help books to be a great, self-driven method for continuing to work on me for significantly less expensive than paying for a therapist out-right,” she says.

Knowing that other people were likely going through the same emotions, Podobnik got the idea to create a self-help subscription service to cultivate a community base for those struggling with issues of stress, anxiety, depression, and worthiness. Her goal is to normalize self-care, self-help, and self-actualization while helping people realize their full potential and celebrate one another’s growth.

Go Love Yourself! is a monthly service that’s all about helping people be the best they can be through professionally curated, thematic resources. Subscribers receive a monthly box of self-care goodies along with the peace of mind of knowing that they have joined a community of likeminded people wanting to live their best life. Each box contains one newly released or yet-to-be-released self-help book, two to three resources to help put the strategies from the book into action, and reading-experience-enhancers, such as tea, candles, or other self-care related items.

The subscription also features unique access to an online community via a Facebook forum that will share tips, resources, and reminders to participants as a way to hold one another accountable and lift each other up.

In her experience, Podobnik wanted to relate to others during her greatest times of need. “I yearned for other people to connect with about what I was reading and learning,” Podobnik tells Domino. “I wanted to be able to talk to and reflect with someone else who understood what I was talking about.”

In her efforts to launch and expand the service, Podobnik is currently raising money through a crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo, running until October 15.

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