Marilyn La Jeunesse

Get the Latest From Marilyn La Jeunesse (Page 11 Results)

you won’t believe this industrial brooklyn loft transformation

you won’t believe this industrial brooklyn loft transformation

from cold to family-friendly in just a few months.

marigold moments we love

marigold moments we love

marigold is emerging as a favorite in home decor, and on the red carpet.

15 instagram worthy cafes in NYC

15 instagram worthy cafes in NYC

sometimes you want coffee AND a great snapchat.

vegan apple oatmeal pancakes (and they’re amazing)

vegan apple oatmeal pancakes (and they’re amazing)

brunch never looked so good.

a s’mores martini because there’s no reason not to

a s’mores martini because there’s no reason not to

a night around the campfire--in one boozy glass.

10 gorgeous log cabins inspired by the hateful eight

10 gorgeous log cabins inspired by the hateful eight

let's move to the woods.

learn to make flawless kale chips

learn to make flawless kale chips

who needs store bought?