ever wonder what successful people do—on weekends?

don’t worry—there’s lots of coffee involved.

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written by   ALYSSA CLOUGH

We can all agree the weekends are a time to recharge—focus on ourselves, not our jobs, catch up on sleep, and do activities that bring us joy. Now, if you’ve ever wondered what super successful people do on the weekends, you’re not alone. Don’t worry, it’s not anything scary. Think lots of sleep, coffee, fun times with friends, and seeking inspiration for the week ahead. Let these 12 women and men help you redefine your weekend routine.

samira far


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? I start my mornings by walking my dog, a 5-10 minute stretch routine, a 5-minute meditation, and then I check my phone and make myself some tea.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I love to get outdoors on the weekend and be with friends. I do my best to go on walks to the ocean, hikes, and see friends that I cannot see on weeknights.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I must sleep on the weekend. If I am even a little tired, I try to take naps with my dog on the weekends. It really helps adjust my energy level for the week. I also must feel disengaged from my to-do list and be in the moment. I engage in activities that allow me to just be, rather than to do.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? At some point on Sundays, I go through my schedule for the week and organize what must absolutely get done this week and what can potentially linger. Then, I write a to do list in order of priority so that when I wake up on Monday I can get to it without a thought.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I prepare in advance for times that I am away. I get as much done as possible before I leave and let key people know that I am unreachable. Then I put my out of office response on my email and re-arrange the apps on my iPhone to have apps only related to my trip and hide all the other ones in folders. I also turn off notifications on my phone so if an email or something else comes through I don’t see the notification until I check it myself. This allows for me to disconnect and really be away.

sarah levey


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? NOTHING! 🙂 I really take my time getting out of bed on the weekends, I try not to have any plans before noon so I can truly enjoy the feeling of not having anywhere to be.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Spend time with friends. I love being able to hang out with my friends on weekends and not have to rush off because I have to go to a studio or leave dinner early because I know I have a 14 hour day the next day. Being with the people I love empowers me and makes my soul happy.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? Grocery shopping is really my only one.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? Sundays are always spent with my husband. During the day we usually do a workout together and then go do something fun (last weekend we rode our bikes to the Brooklyn Barge and played games). Sunday evenings I always make dinner, sometimes it’s just the two of us and sometimes friends come over as well. Work wise I go through my calendar, plan my to dos and goals for the week.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? Going away for the weekend was a huge source of anxiety, thankfully we now have an amazing team that is able to support the studios if I’m away. However… I always always have my phone on me and am checking in and reading emails, it’s going to be hard to get to not doing that!

ali labelle


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? Honestly, I wake up thinking about food. I’ll either walk to the coffee shop or text friends for brunch plans, but either way, the day doesn’t start until I’m in the presence of breakfast tacos.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I really try to stay off the computer on the weekends – no email! When I can swing it, it really helps keep my mind on the weekend and off of all the things waiting for me on Monday. Instead I’ll get my nails done (Olive & June in LA is my favorite!) and go vintage shopping, or I’ll fit in a yoga class. Or I’ll just binge watch something on HBO.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I just bought a bunch of new plants and am determined to not let them die, so each weekend I water them, stare at them, and send them telepathic staying-alive vibes. I also pay my bills (usually at 11:59 pm the day before they’re due) and do a Trader Joe’s run. I rarely cook, but those mini peanut butter cups, man…

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I usually spend some time trying to get into a positive head space. I love my job A LOT, but we’re moving at lightning speed and it’s easy to start letting those little anxieties creep into the precious weekend hours. Sundays are perfect for an inspiration sesh (the magazine stand in my hood is top-notch)…filling my brain with pretty things really does help prep me for the week!

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I just try to enjoy wherever I am and let myself relax. I’d like to think I am the type of person who makes my bed before I go out of town or does my laundry as soon as I return, but honestly I just deal with it all later. Balance is so important – you’ve gotta take advantage of it when you can!

marva babel


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? The first thing I do Saturday morning is go over my calendar and get ready to prep for any weekend events that are planned at Ode to Babel, whether it’s an engagement brunch in the afternoon or an art’s installation launch party in the evening. Depending on what’s on the calendar, I head out to the local market with our head chef to pick up any food produce and last minute items. Sunday mornings I try to decompress and stay in bed as late as I can. I snuggle a bit with my 2-year-old and we read books and skim through magazines together (I sip my coffee and she sips her milk).

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Since a large chunk of my week I’m running around, I really appreciate a very low key Sunday evening spent at home watching period series! Right now I’m into Marco Polo (it’s helping as I wait for the long return of Game of Thrones).

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I try to choose either Saturday or Sunday morning to have a “ritual” walk around Prospect Park with my twin sister/business partner Myriam. It’s the time we can clear our minds, take deep breaths, go over concerns, and talk about things we’ve been meaning to go over—and of course it’s our way of getting a little nature in the city.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I jot down in my calendar book (I’m very analog that way)—any items I “plan to attack” whether small or large. It helps bring things into perspective when I’m going full speed mid week through; I refer to the Sunday’s list, and I’m reminded to tackle the big things that must be dealt with head on, rather than focusing too much on the smaller day to day.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? Lots of anxiety! LOL! I’m very hands on, so when I go away for the weekend I try to remain somewhat available, and I check in with my team a couple of times a day. I generally make an effort to turn off my phone notifications just so I am not beckoned to check at every ping, then I stuff it away deep in my bag and forget it exist. That’s when I can enjoy the moment and appreciate the weekend away.

stephanie danler


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? I read poetry and write in a notebook every morning. During the week it’s mostly a thirty-minute affair – it’s not realistic for me to dwell in that creative space when emails start coming in about projects and deadlines and meetings. My inbox is quiet on the weekends, so if I’m going to read or write letters or re-read an old favorite in one sitting, it’s on a weekend morning with a never-ending pot of coffee and multiple pieces of toast.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I recently transplanted to Los Angeles, and I take advantage of the accessibility of the mountains and the beach. It’s the whole point of living there – I love to be outside, which means I’m often hiking or running. I end up camping a lot on weekends, whether it’s up the coast, or in the desert. Again it’s about disconnecting from the work week, from jigsaw puzzle of commuting and scheduling, from my phone. I’m always looking for ways to ground myself.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I’m not naturally a nightlife person (though I can be convinced) but I love eating, drinking, gossiping with friends. I end up entertaining often, even if it’s not at my house. I have no shame about calling my best friend and saying, “Hi, I bought a chicken, I’m coming over, let’s cook dinner, let’s invite this person, and let’s take your kids to the beach beforehand.” And I do the same thing at my house, I call people, “Hi, I just opened a bottle of Campari, come sit on the porch and I will feed you and get you tipsy.”

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? My absolute favorite place to have Sunday breakfast is at the Hollywood Farmer’s Market. I try to get there when it opens at 8 a.m. and I eat a huge plate of oysters, sometimes followed by tamales. It sounds weird, but it’s delicious, and if I’m hungover I bring in a breakfast beer. Then I shop for the week ahead – my list varies with the seasons,  but I buy my greens, bread, and eggs weekly. There was a phase of my life where I planned my meals out – I’m not in that phase, but I still have a vague idea of how to feed myself.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I’m always, always away for the weekend. Even before I was book-touring, I travel a lot. It’s been a great privilege but I do get weary. That said, it’s the same routine, even if I’m in New York City, or New Orleans, or Sicily. I take the time in the morning to have an uninhibited, creative space. After that I need to get outside and circulate my blood, and at the end of the day, I want a drink with my loved ones. It’s not always possible, but it’s a formula that keeps me fairly sane.

christine chang


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Go for a walk in Central Park (after a cup of warm water with lemon). I don’t get as much work out time in as I like during the week and it’s a small luxury for me to be able to enjoy a leisurely stroll through the park without being strapped for time.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Triple masking. My favorite ritual to wind down after my daughter goes to bed is to use a gommage peel like our new

Korean bathhouse

inspired Salon de Tte mitt, which helps to smooth and prep skin for a ultra-hydrating sheet mask. I always read when I sheet mask at home – I’m currently halfway through the gripping ‘When Breath Becomes Air’. After 20 minutes of sheet masking, I pat the residue in and seal the treatment in with a nourishing overnight mask.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? Spending time with my daughter. We’re currently visiting every playground in the city and we’ve worked our way down to midtown over the past few months. I also always plan a meal with friends, whether it’s a casual brunch outside, or dinner at our place so that we can relax and catch up. It’s easy to lose sight of what’s important with the demands of work, so I make sure that weekends are a time to recharge by investing in what’s truly important to me – family and loved ones.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I have a small notebook where I jot down my thoughts. I used to lay awake at night because of the ideas and to-do lists that constantly materialized in my head and it would be especially bad before the work week started. This notebook serves as a ‘pen-sieve’ of sorts, and having the priorities for the week ahead organized has gone a long way toward restful shut-eye!

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I was just in San Francisco for the weekend, and as long as I have a robe, slippers and plenty of sheet masks for the hotel and flight, travel is always a refreshing change of pace.

sarah lee


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Drink a bottle of water (best tip for healthy skin), and hit the gym with my husband. We’re both into Peloton these days and the studio is located in Chelsea, which is a nice jog in the morning from our midtown apartment. Starting the day with a positive and vibrant energy always helps, and we love the fun and competitive classes!

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Weekend means more time for self-care, and my priority for this is ‘resetting’ the skin with a clarifying and detoxifying exfoliator as well as adding in highly concentrated treatments. I love gently exfoliating while hydrating my skin with Yoon Dermaline’s Marine Aqua Peeler: it’s a godsend technology that does both (exfoliate + hydrate), which was not possible with any single product before. We curated this jumbo cotton swab format at Glow Recipe for a true ‘skin-tertainment’ experience, for a fun yet effective skincare. I also love rubber-masking with our cult favorite Charcoal Modeling Rubber Mask, which helps to cleanse the pores and soften the skin for healthy glowing skin. I enjoy challenging myself to peel off the rubberized texture from the face in one go! I also love getting facials on the weekends – I alternate between a Korean facialist and Silver Mirror, an express facial spot in the UES.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend?Calling my parents in Korea – my #1 priority! Although they’re half the world away, I want them to feel like I’m close to them. I’m the first daughter in my family, and culturally, the first-borns have more responsibility. My parents always provide the best life advice and a new perspective to any matter, which I truly appreciate.Responding to any pending personal emails that I didn’t have a chance to get to throughout the weekReading at least one magazine of the many that I subscribe to (list includes New York Magazine, Times, Vogue, Departure, Elle Decor etc.)What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead?  I read the news, web-browse and get inspired with new ideas. Marketing and creativity are my two biggest strengths and I try to stimulate and challenge my right brain whenever I can, as I know I need to power through heavy duty business decisions based on strategy, analysis, and financial reviews as well as team management throughout the week.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend?  Traveling recharges me the most, and I try to maximize any trip to enjoy and get motivated, whether it’s for work or for leisure. In addition to staying true to each objective of a trip (work, hiking, sight-seeing, relaxing), great local food is a very important factor to making the trip wonderful and memorable, so I make sure to research and ask around for the best restaurants!

vern yip


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? My husband and I have two kids (ages 5 and 6) and three very large dogs, so there are a lot of mouths to feed first thing in the morning. Everyone is an early riser in our household so it’s a bit like living on a farm. I think we’re up and fully functioning before the roosters!

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Catching up on design publications, new design books, and reading the Sunday New York Times, the Sunday Washington Post, and the weekend edition of the WSJ is always a treat. I’m a news hound. I also like to pop into art galleries on Saturdays to take in any new shows. My husband and our kids are art aficionados too, so it’s a nice family activity where everyone’s engaged.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I travel so much for work that getting necessary errands addressed happens when I’m home, not necessarily solely on the weekends. The only must accomplish item on the weekends is spending quality family time together since that’s when the kids are out of school. Everything else is secondary.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I’m big on organization throughout the week so Sunday is really not that different from than any other day. I like to make sure that we have plenty of time for family activities and downtime on the weekends so by the time Sunday rolls around, everything is already in its place for an easy week ahead. I find it much easier to take on life’s necessary tasks each day instead of lumping them into one day or a couple of days. And our whole family is really great about consistently putting things back where they belong. It keeps the house from needing a dramatic and time-consuming clean-up day.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? Preparation and looking ahead is key to making my life work, especially when I know I’m going to be away for the weekend. A constantly updated schedule and calendar helps me manage. When I know I’m going to be away for the weekend, I ensure that every piece of laundry (clothes, sheets, and towels) is washed and ironed on the last day before I leave. I hate to come home to dirty laundry!

corey damen jenkins


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? The first thing I try to do is NOT wake up. Just kidding! The first thing I do is blend up a protein shake of oatmeal, water, and chocolate whey protein and then I hit the gym. Weight-lifting early in the day is refreshing and leaves me in a good emotional place for the balance of the day.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? Sleep! I know it sounds passe, but I often work well over 70 hours per week which means a lot of super-late nights. The hustle is real! So the opportunity to sleep in is such a gift and I don’t take it for granted. I also enjoy drinking tea on the sidewalk in Downtown Birmingham and watching people and their cute dogs.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? I use weekends to get caught up on my reading. That includes shelter publications, comic books (yes I still read them—I’m such a nerd!) and the Wall Street Journal. Other errands include detailing my SUV and retail therapy—which is ALWAYS a priority.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I use Sundays to prepare meals and supplements for my dietary goals. You know those people who actually put exactly 20 almonds in a Zip-Lock bag to watch their calories? Yes. I’m one of *those* people. Sad but true. I also use Sundays to put together an agenda for my staff at the studio.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? When I’m away for the weekend I give myself permission to be lax with my routine and even my diet. Splurging can be healthy whether it’s with food, at the mall, etc. The key is remaining balanced so you don’t have regrets later.

jodie fox


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? To me it’s really important to wake up without an alarm on the weekend. I love just letting my body surface from sleep when I have recharged… I think that is one of the greatest indulgences in life. Then I normally start the day slowly, chilling out with my cat Hunter while sipping a cup of warm water with lemon. I think Hunter is so insanely cute and I usually post photos of us hanging out on my Instagram account.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I normally exercise both days. There’s something cool about not having to “rush” to get to a class or having to be somewhere right after. It also means I have the time to travel further to try different classes which is fun. I love reading a book or newspaper at the beach, I go to the beach almost every Saturday and Sunday. I also try to make sure I schedule something that feels indulgent — a 90 minute massage, a glass of wine with the girls, a beauty sesh at home (I filmed my last one for my YouTube channel) — or an adventure. Last weekend it was taking my first surf lesson—something that has been on my bucket list for a long time!

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? It’s all super practical… I water my plants, do my laundry, clean the house, pick up groceries, and run random errands like getting my bike serviced or dropping off dry cleaning.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead? I try to keep Sundays totally clear of plans so I can just relax and enjoy having total control of my time… Which I don’t often have the pleasure of during the week!

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I try to get back at a reasonable time on the Sunday night so I can do a quick version of my chores and feel like I am all set for the week ahead. I’m not a huge fan of doing the really early flight and going straight to the office and try to avoid that as much as possible. This helps me cope when I’ve spent weekends away.

katherine crowley


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? On Saturday mornings, I love to head to the small coffee shop around the corner from my apartment to grab a latte. When the weather is nice they have tables set up outside which are prime for people watching. Saturday mornings are my favorite time of the weekend, so lately I’ve been making sure to get up extra early to savor the quiet, calm start to my day.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I make it a top priority to dedicate an afternoon to cooking a big meal. I’ve always loved projects and staying busy on the weekends, so mastering a complex meal is a fun way to unwind for a couple of hours. I’ve recently started to write down all my favorite recipes into an old leather notebook so I can have them to reference later. The best part about cooking is that it’s an excuse to open a bottle of wine to invite my neighborhood friends over for an impromptu party. And who doesn’t love a last second dinner party or brunch?

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? Because my week gets so busy, I basically leave my apartment in shambles between running back and forth to the office. So on Friday evenings specifically, I love to clean my apartment and bedroom and wash my sheets for an extra comfortable, cozy bed. Sometimes, if I’m in an especially excited mood for the weekend ahead, I’ll grab some fresh flowers for my bedside table. Having a super clean apartment at the beginning of my weekend instantly relaxes me and allows the weekend to flow more easily. That way, when I do have those impromptu social gatherings, I’m not hiding dirty laundry in my closet or dirty dishes in the oven. Clean house = clean mind!

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead?  I’m a huge to-do list girl. So on Sunday nights I have a ritual of writing down absolutely everything I need to do, personal and professional, and organizing by priority. I love the rule that if it takes you under 10 minutes to finish something on your to-do list, you should do it right then and there. When I wake up on Mondays and have a clear map of what I need to get done it keeps me super focused and less stressed out.

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? When I’m away for the weekend, I try to get a master to-do list finished before my trip, so when I get back I can easily snap back into work life and not forget my place. It’s easy to get sucked into traveling and feel completely overwhelmed by your responsibilities by Monday AM. By using my list as a guide, it keeps me more focused and on task.

Also, I am a true believer in the Sunday Scaries. There is nothing like the anxiety of knowing your fun, relaxed weekend is over to send you into a dark place. So after coming back from a trip, I always make sure to pick a movie I’ve been dying to rent, order from my favorite sushi restaurant, and allow myself to really enjoy my Sunday nights.

molly longest


What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning (on the weekends)? Get coffee—which is the first thing I do every day. But on weekend mornings I like to take a walk to one of the many amazing coffee shops in my neighborhood and get myself to an iced or hot latte (I stick to to just drip coffee during the week), and sip on it real slow. Keeping my weekend coffee order a little more indulgent makes it feel like such a treat and something I look forward to when I wake up.

What are your favorite things to do for yourself on the weekends? I’m an avid runner and yogi, and my weekday workouts are pretty routine—run to and from the park, 20 minutes of yoga stretches afterwards. But on weekends when I have a little more time to focus on my physical health, I love taking a drop-in yoga class at the studio around the corner from my apartment and finding a new running route. Running can easily become mundane if you go the same path every day, but this way I look forward to my long weekend runs because not only do they make me feel great, but I get to explore a new neighborhood.

As creative director of the Lala, I also love to seek inspiration on the weekends. When being creative is part of your job, you can sometimes get so wrapped up in client work, or staying in-brand to the company that your personal creative endeavors get pushed to the wayside. But I’ve found that when I work on projects outside of my job, it actually makes me better at it. Whether that’s hitting a local thrift store to search for buried treasures, tackling a DIY project, or setting up a just-for-fun photo shoot with friends, I make sure to do one thing each weekend that fuels my creativity.

Also, if I can, there’s nothing I love more than going to see a concert at one of the many amazing small venues in NYC. I’m pretty much at my happiest when I’ve got a cold beer in my hand and I’m dancing to incredible live music.

What are the activities or errands on your “must-accomplish list” every weekend? A good long workout, cooking a homemade meal, cleaning my apartment, seeing friends, and unplugging from work and email for at least one day—normally Saturdays. When you run your own business, you could essentially work every single waking hour of your life, but I’m trying to be better at a healthier work/life balance. Baby steps.

What do you do on Sundays to prepare for the week ahead?  On Sundays I like to get a little work out of the way (remember, baby steps) so Monday isn’t so chaotic. I like to ease myself into the week with a slow Monday morning, so lately I’ve been drafting up the emails I want to send at the beginning of the week on Sunday evening, that way all I have to do is press send the next day.

After getting a little work done though, I make sure to spend my Sunday evening truly unwinding which normally entails making a nice dinner, sipping a glass of wine and letting myself mindlessly indulge in a few episodes of Parenthood or Gilmore Girls. I’m on a Lauren Graham kick – what can I say?

How do you deal when you’re away for the weekend? I love to travel and getting away for a quick weekend trip, but it can be overwhelming when you return and have to jump right back into the week’s work. For me, I make sure to clean my apartment, make my bed and get my laundry done before I leave, that way I can return to a clean and stress-free environment and not have to make a late-night Sunday trip to the laundromat.

Alyssa Clough


Alyssa is a Brooklyn-based maximalist and vintage addict who is always on the hunt for something—a new piece of collage art, more plant babies, yet another ceramic vessel, you get the picture. Obsessions include bold accent walls, living a sustainable, eco-friendly lifestyle, and supporting female artists and makers. Find her on Instagram ignoring her phone’s screen time alerts.
