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For the seasoned Air-BnB virtuoso or the first-time user, satisfying a revolving door of renters can prove to be a tall order. No two homes are exactly alike and the same rule applies for your guests; but, while you can’t cater directly to the needs of each visitor, you can follow our tips to enhance their stay. From a warm welcome to a soft goodbye, your super-star hosting skills will earn you five-star reviews.

Whether they’ve come from near or far, greet your guests with a warm welcoming gift upon arrival to make them feel immediately comfortable in your space. A modestly priced bottle of wine is a great way to thank your visitors for their business and help them view your apartment with a “glass half full” attitude from the get-go.
There’s a good chance your guests are new to your city, or at least to your block, so provide them with a few helpful pointers. Leave a list of your favorite neighborhood breakfast spots, burger joints, markets, drug stores, and local parks, including any helpful phone numbers in case of an emergency. By bettering their stay you’re simultaneously supporting local businesses – now, that’s being a good neighbor.
Experiencing your home and its amenities first-hand is the best way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your space. If you’re renting out a guestroom, try sleeping in it first to be sure that the less noticeable things are satisfactory enough (such as room temperature and mattress comfort). The same rule applies for your amenities – if you’ve promised a “state of the art” sound system or a pair of bicycles, be sure to deliver.
It’s best to make a rule for yourself that your access ends the minute your visitor’s begins. While you have occupants, treat your home as if it doesn’t exist, even if you have to treat yourself to a new pair of shoes.
When it comes to hospitality, service is everything—even from a distance. You don’t have to run a resort out of your home, but you do have to be mindful of your guests’ potential needs. Equip the bed with extra pillows and blankets and leave extra towels folded neatly near the tub. Don’t skimp on things like toilet paper and paper towels, the bare necessities are what matter the most.
Present your visitors with a guest book at the onset of their stay to boost their confidence in your home. They’ll, no doubt, flip through the pages of positive reviews and likely contribute their own words of gratitude before departing. This seemingly small gesture encourages your renters to think optimistically about your space from the moment they step inside, until the second they vacate. Not to mention, the collection of positive testimonials will reassure you of your stellar hosting abilities, time after time.