Do These Things on New Year’s Day For a Better 2018

Start the new year off on the right foot.


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“New Year, New You” as the saying goes. Well, you’re great just the way you are. But, if you’re looking to meet 2018 head on, read on for all the brilliant tips our favorite wellness experts will be doing on January 1st. From setting intentions to meditation to sweating it out, here’s what we’ll be up to come New Year’s Day.

Taryn Toomey, wellness expert and founder of The Class by Taryn Toomey:

1. Drink tons of warm water with lemon. To reverse the acidic state of your system after a night of imbibing, drink a ton of warm water with lemon.

2. Take milk-thistle and dandelion. Take two tablets of milk-thistle to support and protect your liver. Take two tables of dandelion to boost your liver’s function. It also helps calm the nervous system.

3. Shower with alternating temperatures. After Class, shower with the water as cold as you can stand it for 1 minute and then as hot as you can stand it for 1 minute. Alternate 5 times. This too revs up your lymphatic system and prevents post-class muscle soreness. If available to you, alternate between a hot bath and a cold shower.

Biet Simkin, meditation expert:

I like to do a full gratitude list of my favorite things that I accomplished or experienced in the preceding year. I then do a gratitude meditation around all these things.

Then I focus on how amazing it is that I made changes, accomplished desires, was risk-taking, kind, and authentic. Finally, I make a list of aims for the coming year, and then I visualize myself completing and celebrating all these new accomplishments and states. Be super specific: I write it all down, then I keep it somewhere I can see it the following year. I find this level of clarity helps me keep my aims and create results.

Jaycee Gossett, The Class by Taryn Toomey Founding Teacher, Director of Training and Development:

Make New Year’s Day a montage of all the things you are choosing to incorporate for the year. Let the day be a series of high-vibe rituals, even if just for a few minutes to set the tone for the year. Sweat, dance, sing, laugh, make love, eat organic, drink water, sit with a loved one, be of service, network, clean your apartment, etc…

Reflection is a big part of creating my vibe for the New Year. With beautiful music flowing and my favorite candle burning, I put pen to paper and reflect on the past year. I find a deep “Thank you” for all the places I traveled, the successes, challenges, breakthroughs, and breakdowns that marked the year. Sitting in a brief meditation, I cultivate the feeling for the year ahead.

Next, I move to the question “What does the next chapter feel like?”. Cultivating the feeling in my body, I see myself living that way. Putting pen to paper once again, I write out the actions that match that New Year vision for myself.

Morgan Rose, yoga and meditation expert:

I curate a New Year’s Day that looks like the year I want to have. This year, I’ll make time and space for meditation, writing, musing, making art, cooking food, walking outside, reading poetry, and my most beloved yoga practice. I’ll gather with my nearest and dearest at my home yoga studio, Gritty Buddha, to practice in community, sharing prayers and sweat, laughs, and dreams. Sweating and dynamically using my body is pivotal for the woman I’m walking into this year.

I value a clear mind and a clean body and so the out-late drinking scene doesn’t appeal to me, and over the years I’ve gotten really comfortable with saying that. I love to get to crawl into bed early and rise with the sun or even before. There’s real magic in that. I’ll do that this year. Spend some time alone with myself in that early daylight. Giving myself the freedom and space to dream and listen while the world around me is still waking up.

Kelly Morris, Sacred Feminine meditation teacher:

After the upsetting year we have collectively undergone here in the States, my intention for the New Year is to make every effort to keep myself nestled within the profound community that is my Infinity Call. Outside of my meditation, the world spins on, rife with conflict, inequality and needless suffering. I don’t know who I am, where I am going or what I should do to help.

My mind feels overrun by CNN, the latest headlines, the cry of the women assaulted by her boss who lives next door to me. Then I sit. I remember how to feel my way to the safety of a Truth so profound, so altering that when I stand up, I am a different person. I am myself.

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Kristin Limoges


Kristin can usually be found face, hair, and body masking simultaneously, while thinking-up clever DIYs for her small-space Chinatown apartment. She’s always on the search for the greatest and most life-changing beauty and wellness hacks (hello nootropics and adaptogens) and is happy to report she loves dogs and cats equally.