This Is the Most Affordable Country to Buy Your Dream Vacation Home

Globe-trotting dreams.

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Some dream of owning a beach home. Others, a country retreat. But if you’re especially prone to the travel bug, there may be no greater dream than buying a vacation home abroad—and now, thanks to a report by, you can narrow down your search to the countries where homes are most affordable whenmeasured in cost per square foot.

Looking at real estate, along with medium income in 36 OECD countries, the realty site found that Turkey is the most affordable place to buy a home (with a 742-square-foot home accessible to a median salary of $17,067). The United States came in second place (with a $44,049 salary affording 669.4 square feet of space). After that comes Mexico, followed by Russia and Slovakia.

The least affordable on the list is South Korea, where a salary of $21,723 affords just 84.4 square feet. Switzerland, Israel, and Japan are also onthe more-for-less end of the spectrum.

By pairing home prices, square-footage, and median salary, this listing takes the averages into consideration, so in actuality, prices will differ depending on where in each country you want to buy a home: An apartment in Istanbul will likely be pricier than one in a small town, just like a home in New York City will cost more than a rural abode.

Still, with some strategic searching, you can find your perfect vacation home. Who knows—you might even be inspired to run your own Airbnb halfway around the world.

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Rebecca Deczynski


Rebecca is most often found digging through troves of vintage treasures, both in-person and online. Ask her to recommend a good book to read or an obscure Instagram account to follow, and you won’t be disappointed.
