5 things successful people ALWAYS do on Monday morning

starting the week off on the right foot is easier than you think!

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Trying to start your week off on the right foot but wondering how to get ahead of the game? These little tweaks will not only help maintain your morning sanity, but will help propel your hustle when it comes to the office, too.

Prep the night before

Dedicate some time on Sunday night to prepare your outfits for the week. Your ‘where did the weekend go?’ brain will thank you come Monday morning when you’re able to grab your outfit and go. Tip: pair dresses with outerwear and place shoe choices beneath the outfit for a completely fool-proof take on getting ready.

Start the morning slowly

This means you, snooze-master. By setting the alarm 10 minutes earlier than you would normally rise, you instantly jump start the day; offering yourself some time to make tea, slowly head to the bathroom to

wash your face

, and maybe even carve out some time out to cross off a to-do list item.

Jumpstart productivity—make the bed!

By starting your day with a small accomplishment, you’re already setting yourself up for future success. This small habit instills a sense of pride, which, in turn, will encourage you to complete another task, and another, and another. All before leaving your house; a true win if you ask us.

Double-dip weekend outfits

Wore your favorite jumper to Saturday brunch and wondering how to make Monday morning as stress-free as possible? If you failed to take note on #1 (see above), an easy (and foolproof!) trick is to double-dip your outfit from the weekend. Change up the look by adding a fun accessory or swapping sneakers for boots.

Save money… bring your lunch

This requires a little prep work on your end, but it doesn’t have to be as arduous as it sounds. Simply save Sunday night’s leftovers for a mouthwatering meal come Monday afternoon, or run by your local grocery store and pick up some pre-made salads to get you through the beginning of the week. Come Monday morning, you’ll be thanking your lucky stars when you actually are able to “grab-n-go.”