#locallyinspired: borough market, london!

join jennifer wiersma as she takes us on a tour of borough market in london!

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Hello! I’m @ jenniferelizabeth_ , a born-and-bred Canadian gal who, 2 years ago, took a deep breath of courage and a giant leap of faith to move across the pond to London, England. I’m excited to give you guys a peek today at one of my favourite corners in London; Borough Market! I love any place that brings together coffee, food, and flowers, and this market does all three. Hope you enjoy our little “market wander”!

Welcome to Borough Market! Cool fact: the market has been hanging around this spot of the city as far back as the 13th century, and is officially London’s oldest fruit and veg market. This little flower stall will greet you from the south entrance, and always has the cutest little succulent plants.

Monmouth Coffee. The stuff of legends. I always start every trip to Borough Market with a latte from this infamous coffee  outpost, which has been roasting in London for over 30 years now. You can always expect a queue, especially on a weekend, but it moves fast and it’s all part of the market experience! And it’s seriously good coffee.

With your Monmouth coffee safely in hand, you can now wander over to Bread Ahead, to try their famous donuts, which were recently given the glorious title of “best donuts in London!” I’m a creature of habit, and always go for the salted caramel one, but I hear the other flavours are pretty darn good too…

I won’t give the exact location of this ‘umbrella sky’ away (because it’s fun to go on a little hunt sometimes!), but it’s worth seeking out. The bright & cheery colours of the umbrellas always puts a smile on my face when I see them!

Just a stone’s-throw from the market is this old former brewery. A rather unremarkable building, if not for the giant painted slogan on the side: Take Courage. I have never been able to pass this building without being moved by those words; take courage. What a beautiful reminder for all of us as we journey through life, one day at a time, one courageous step at a time.

This last spot may be cheating just a little, as it’s not technically in the market, but I would be remiss not to give it a mention! The Gentlemen Baristas is a cosy little coffee house about a 5 minute walk from the market. The coffee is great, the atmosphere charming, and the outside bench is great for people watching!

That brings me to the end of our little Borough Market tour. I hope you enjoyed a peek into my neighbourhood local, and picked up a tip or two if you ever find yourself wandering through the market. You can find me over at @jenniferelizabeth_ , where I’ll be exploring more of the big, beautiful city of London!